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Monday, November 17, 2008

Disney World!

Disney World

Last weekend we went to Disney World and had the BEST time! Tyler and Carter got to meet many Disney characters and we got numerous autographs! The weather was beautiful and the boys were on their best behavior! Enjoy the pictures!

As Allison would truly was "MAGICAL!"

The boys and Donald Duck.

Carter and Al

Grandma's favorite...the Tea Cups! Can you tell how fast we were going?

Tyler and Aunt Lins! Aunt Courtney and Uncle Brian were at home taking care of "baby Habas!"

Mr. Cool.

Brothers. They DO love each other!


tennis said...

Great Pictures..Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. I see an annual family vacation for the family. Should be fun. Thanks for sharing.

Aunt Carol

Sra Hevia said...

As always it looks like fun was had by all!! Great pics Lins :)

Unknown said...

Awesome pics Lins! I love the Donald Duck tennis picture!